The blog of Firstprayer
On The Way To Be A Data Scientist
I'm developing a
Mini Course
Web Development
. Check it out!
A Real Quick and Clear Intro of Java RMI
2 April
What's the Competitiveness of a Data Science Student?
28 March
5 Most Useful Small Tools in Python
28 March
Using Python Decorators in Web Development
11 January
Tricks in Stochastic Gradient Descent
10 December
Setting up standalone Spark on ubuntu(With Docker Image Provided)
28 November
Geoffrey Hinton's Dark Knowledge of Machine Learning
26 November
New perspective for Overfitting and Underfitting -- Bias and Variance Decomposition
18 October
Hear People's Voice - Text Classification in SMS data
3 September
Build a Daily Habit List
19 August
My Reading List(我的阅读清单)
29 June
Testing AngularJS-Backed Web Pages
7 April